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Visual Development


Short animated film submission for GEMASTIK VX 2022. In charge of directing, concept art, storyboarding, and animation. Also helped with assets. 


The short film tells a story of the lunch routine of people in a food stall. With repeated habits, the people around them are affected, both for good and for bad. 

kancil side.png

Wayang Kancil re-design

An Incubation Program Assignment in the 5th semester at Binus University; transforming Wayang Kancil, an Indonesian shadow puppet design for educational purposes.

Kancil ver 2 (transparan).png
pak tani.png
buto sketch.png


Visual Making Project assignment in the 4th semester at Binus University, developing a modern take on a traditional Indonesian legend "Putri Karang Melenu".


In a post-apocalyptic future in the east of Kalimantan, the declaration of war to overtake the Mahakam River threatens the living conditions of civilians. Ali, an errand boy with supernatural powers got caught in a magical destiny with a mysterious girl. 


Waroeng Imaji

An Incubation Program project with Waroeng Imaji in the 4th semester at BINUS University. Participated in the third episode titled "Pahlawan Kecil". the fourth episode "Liburan Sekolah" and the sixth episode "Kastuba Natal" Part 1.

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